Subject Details
Dept     : B.Sc. Nursing
Year      : 1
Regul    : 2022-2023
Faculty : Kanimozhi N
phone  : NIL
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UNIT I HEALTH ASSESSMENT Interview technique Observation techniques Purpose of health assessment Process of health assessment Health History Physical Examination - Methods Inspection Palpation Percussion Auscultation Olfaction Preparation for examination patient and Unit General assessment Assessment of each body system Documenting health assessment findings UNIT II THE NURSING PROCESS - Critical thinking competencies Attitudes for critical thinking Levels of Critical thinking in nursing Nursing process Overview Assessment Collection of data Types Sources Methods Organizing data validating Data Documenting Data Nursing Diagnosis Identification of client problems risks and strengths Nursing diagnosis statements Parts Types Formulating Guidelines for formulating Nursing diagnosis NANDA Approved diagnosis Difference between medical and nursing diagnosis Planning Types of planning Establishing goals and expected outcomes Purpose Types guidelines Components of goals and outcome statements Types of Nursing Interventions Selecting interventions Protocols and standing orders Introduction to nursing intervention classification and nursing outcome classification Guidelines for writing care plan Implementation Process of implementing the plan of care Types of care Direct and Indirect Evaluation Evaluation of Process Documentation and reporting UNIT III NUTRITIONAL NEEDS Importance Factors affecting nutritional needs Assessment of nutritional needs Assessment of nutritional status Review Special diets Solid Liquid and Soft Review on Therapeutic diets Care of patient with Dysphagia Anorexia nausea Vomiting Meeting nutritional needs Principles equipment Procedure Indications Oral Enteral Nasogastric Orogastric Introduction to other enteral feeds Types Indications Gastrostomy Jejunostomy Parenteral TPN


UNIT IV HYGIENE Factors influencing Hygienic practices Hygienic practice Hygienic care Indications and purpose effects of neglected care Care of Skin Bath Feet Nail and Hair care Care of Pressure points Assessment of pressure ulcer Braden scale and Norton scale Pressure Ulcers Causes stages and manifestations care and prevention perineal care meatal meatal care Oral care, Care of Eyes Ears and Nose including assistive devices such as Eye glasses Contact lens Dentures Hearing aid UNIT V URINARY ELIMINATION Review of Physiology of Urine elimination Composition and Characteristics of Urine Factors Influencing Urination Alternation in Urinary Elimination Facilitating urine elimination Assessment Types equipment procedure and special considerations Providing urinal Urinal Bedpan Care of patients with Condom Drainage Intermittent catheterization Indwelling urinary catheter and urinary drainage Urinary diversions Bladder Irrigation BOWEL ELIMINATION Review of Physiology of bowel elimination Composition and characteristics of feces Factors affecting Bowel elimination Alteration in Bowel elimination Facilitating bowel elimination Assessment equipment procedures Enemas Suppository Bowel wash Digital Evacuation of Impacted feces Care of patients with Ostomies UNIT VI DIAGNOSTIC TESTING Phases of diagnostic testing Pretest intra test and post test in common investigations and clinical implications Complete blood count Serum electrolytes LFT Lipid Lipoprotein profile Serum Glucose AC PC HbA1c Monitoring Capillary blood glucose Stool Routine examination urine testing - Albumin Acetone pH Specific gravity Urine culture Routine Timed Urine specific gravity Urine Culture Routine timed Urine specimen Sputum Culture Overview of Radiologic and Endoscopic procedures


UNIT VII OXYGENATION NEEDS Review of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology factors affecting respiratory functioning Alterations in Respiratory Functioning Conditions affecting Airway Movement of air Diffusion Oxygen transport Alterations in Oxygenation Nursing interventions to promote oxygenation Assessment types equipment used and procedure Maintenance of patient airway Oxygen administration Suctioning Oral tracheal Chest Physiotherapy Percussion Vibration Postural drainage Care of Chest Drainage - Principles and purpose Pulse Oximetry factors affecting measurement of oxygen saturation using pulse oximeter Interpretation Restorative and continuing care Hydration Humidification Coughing techniques Breathing exercise Incentive spirometry UNIT VIII FLUID ELECTROLYTE AND ACID BASE BALANCES - Review of physiological regulation of Fluid Electrolyte and Acid - Base Balances Factors Affecting Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid base balance Disturbances in fluid volume Deficit Hypovolemia Dehydration Excess Fluid overload Edema Electrolyte imbalances Acid base imbalances Metabolic acidosis and Alkalosis and Respiratory Acidosis and Alkalosis Intravenous therapy Peripheral venipuncture sites Types of IV Fluids Calculation for making IV Fluid plan Complications of IV fluid therapy measuring fluid intake and output Administrating blood and blood components Restricting fluid intake enhancing fluid intake UNIT IX ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATIONS Introduction definition of medication administration of medications drug nomenclature effects of drugs forms of medications purpose pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Factors influencing medication action Medications orders and prescriptions systems of measurements medication dose calculation principles 10 rights of medication administration errors in medication administration routes of administration Storage and maintenance of drugs and nurses responsibility Terminologies and abbreviations used in prescriptions and medications orders Developmental considerations Oral Sublingual and Buccal routes Equipment procedures Introduction to parenteral administration of drugs Intramuscular Intravenous Subcutaneous Intradermal Location of site, Advantages and disadvantages of specific sites Indications and contraindication for the different routes and sites Equipment Syringes and needles Cannulas Infusion sets parts types and sizes Types of vials and ampules preparing injectable medications from vials and ampules Care of equipment decontamination and disposal of syringes needles infusion sets Prevention of Needle stick injuries Topical administration Types Purpose Site Equipment Procedure Application to Skin and mucus membrane Direct application of liquids Gargle and swabbing the throat Insertion of drug into body cavity Suppository medicated packing in rectum vagina Instillation Ear Nasal Bladder and rectal Irrigations Eye Ear Bladder vaginal and rectal Spraying Nose and throat Inhalation nasal oral endotracheal tracheal purpose types equipment procedure recording and reporting of medications administered Other parenteral routes Meaning of epidural intrathecal intraosseous intra peritoneal intra pleural intra arterial


UNIT X SENSORY NEEDS - Introduction Components of sensory experience reception perception and reaction Arousal mechanism, factors affecting sensory functions Assessment of sensory alteration sensory deficit deprivation overload and sensory poverty management promoting meaningful communication patient with Aphasia artificial airway and visual and hearing impairment Care of Unconscious patients Unconsciousness definition causes and risk factors pathophysiology stages of unconsciousness clinical manifestations Assessment and nursing management of patient with unconsciousness complications UNIT XI CARE OF TERMINALLY ILL DEATH AND DYING Loss Types Grief bereavement and mourning types of grief responses Manifestations of Grief Factors influencing Loss and Grief responses Theories of Grief and loss Kubler ross 5 stages of dying the R process model Death Definition meaning types Signs of impending death Dying patients Bill of rights Care of dying patients Physiological changes occurring after death Death declaration certification Autopsy Embalming Last office Death care Counselling and supporting grieving relatives placing body from mortuary releasing body from Mortuary Overview - Medico legal cases advance directives DNI DNR organ donations Euthanasia PSYCHOSOCIAL NEEDS UNIT XII SELF CONCEPT Introduction Components such as personal identity body image role performance self esteem Factors affecting self concept Nursing management UNIT XIII SEXUALITY Sexual development throughout life Sexual health Sexual orientation Factors affecting sexuality prevention of STIs, Unwanted pregnancy avoiding sexual harassments and abuse dealing with inappropriate sexual behavior


UNIT XIV STRESS AND ADOPTATION INTRODUCTORY CONCEPTS Introduction Sources effects indicators types of stress types of stressors stress adaptation general adaptation syndrome Local adaptation syndrome Manifestations of stress management Assist with coping and adaptation creating therapeutic environment Recreational and diversion therapies UNIT XV CONCEPTS OF CULTURAL DUVERSITY AND SPIRITUALITY Cultural diversity Cultural concepts culture subculture Multi cultural diversity Race Acculturation Assimilation Transcultural Nursing Cultural competence Providing culturally responsive care Spirituality Concepts Faith Hope Religion Spirituality Spiritual wellbeing Factors affecting spirituality Spiritual problems in acute Chronic Terminal illness and near death experience Dealing with spiritual distress problems UNIT XVI NURSING THEORIES INTRODUCTION Meaning and definition purpose types of theories with examples overview of selected nursing theories Nightingale Orem Roy Use of theories in nursing practice

Reference Book:

Javed Ansari, Kiran Sharma "Concise Course in Nursing Foundation - I & II" 1st edition , Published by S.Vikas and Company

Text Book:

Dr.Joseph and susamma Varghese "Nursing Foundation I &II for B.Sc(N) students" 2nd edition , Published by Frontline Publications


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