Subject Details
Dept     : B.Sc. Nursing
Year      : 3
Regul    : 2010-2011
Faculty : Revathi K
phone  : NIL
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Nursing management of patients with oncological conditions • Structure & characteristics of normal & cancer cells • Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment • Prevention, Screening, Early detection, Warning signs of cancer • Epidemiology, Etiology, Classification, Pathophysiology, Staging, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical & surgical nursing management of oncological conditions • Common malignancies of various body systems; Oral, larynx, lung, Stomach and Colon, Liver, Leukemias and lymphomas, Breast,Cervix, Ovary, Uterus, Sarcoma, Brain, Renal, Bladder, Prostate etc Oncological emergences • Modalities of treatment Immunotherapy c Chemotherapy Radiotherapy c Surgical Interventions Stem cell and Bone marrow transplants Gene therapy Other forms of treatment • Psychosocial aspects of cancer. • Rehabilitation • Palliative care Symptom and Pain Management, Nutritional support • Home care • Hospice care Stoma Therapy • Special therapies Psycho social aspects • Nursing procedures


Nursing management of patient in EMERGENCY & DISASTER situations Disaster Nursing: Concepts and principles of Disaster Nursing Causes and Types of Disaster: Natural and Man-made Earthquakes, Floods, Epidemics, Cyclones Fire, Explosion, Accidents Violence, Terrorism; bio- chemical, War Policies related to emergency/disaster management; International, national, state, institutional Disaster preparedness: Team, Guidelines, protocols, Equipments ,Resources Coordination and involvement of; Community, various govt. departments, non-Governement. organizations and International agencies Role of nurse: working Legal Aspects of Disaster Nursing Impact on Health and after effects; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Rehabilitation; physical, psychosocial, Financial, Relocation Emergency Nursing Concept, priorities, principles and Scope of emergency nursing Organization of emergency services: physical setup, staffing, equipment and supplies, protocols, Concepts of triage and role of triage nurse Coordination and involvement of different departments and facilities Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment Organization of emergency services: physical setup, staffing, equipment and supplies, protocols, Concepts of triage and role of triage nurse Coordination and involvement of different departments and facilities Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical & surgical nursing management of patient with medical and surgical Emergency Principles of emergency management Common Emergencies; Respiratory Emergencies Cardiac Emergencies Shock and Haemorrhage Pain Poly-Trauma, road accidents, crush injuries, wound Bites Poisoning; Food, Gas, Drugs & chemical poisoning Seizures Thermal Emergencies; Heat stroke & Cold injuries Pediatric Emergencies Psychiatric Emergencies Obstetrical Emergencies Violence, Abuse, Sexual assault Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Crisis Intervention Role of the nurse; Communication and Inter Personal Relations •Medico-Legal Aspects


Nursing management of patients with Burns, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery • Review of anatomy and physiology of the skin and connective tissues and various deformities • Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment and Assessment of burns and fluid and electrolyte loss • Etiology, Classification, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical & surgical nursing management of Burns and Re- constructive and Cosmetic surgery; • Types of Re-constructive and Cosmetic surgery; for burns, congenital deformities, injuries and cosmetic purposes Role of Nurse Legal aspects Rehabilitation Special therapies Q Psycho social aspects Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of Bums,


Nursing care of the elderly • Nursing Assessment-History and Physical assessment Aging; • Demography; Myths and realities • Concepts and theories of aging Cognitive Aspects of Aging Normal biological aging Age related body systems changes Psychosocial Aspects of Aging Medications and elderly Stress & coping in older adults Common Health Problems & Nursing Management; Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Musculoskeletal, Endocrine, genito-urinary, gastrointestinal Neurological, Skin and other


Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical & surgical nursing management of patient with medical and surgical Emergency Principles of emergency management Common Emergencies; Respiratory Emergencies Cardiac Emergencies Shock and Haemorrhage Pain Poly-Trauma, road accidents, crush injuries, wound Bites Poisoning; Food, Gas, Drugs & chemical poisoning Seizures Thermal Emergencies; Heat stroke & Cold injuries Pediatric Emergencies Psychiatric Emergencies Obstetrical Emergencies Violence, Abuse, Sexual assault Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Crisis Intervention Role of the nurse; Communication and Inter Personal Relations •Medico-Legal Aspects

Reference Book:

1. Davidson’s Principles & Practice of Medicine, 2010, Elsevier 2. Bailey & Love Short Practice of Surgery,2008,Hodder Arnold 3. Timby – Introductory Medical Surgical Nursing, 2009,WK 4. Das – Textbook of Surgery, SD Publishers 5. Woods – Cardiac Nursing ,2010,LWW 6. Hickey – Neurologic & Neurosurgical Nursing,2009,LWW 7. Morton – Critical Care Nursing,2009,LWW

Text Book:

1. Smeltzer – Brunner & Suddharth Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing, 2010,LWW 2. Black – Medical Surgical Nursing,2009,Elsevier 3. Nettina – Lippincott manual of Nursing Practice,2009,LWW 4. Lewis – Medical Surgical Nursing,2008,Elsevier


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