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Lecture Notes
Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:Object Oriented Methodologies , Object Oriented Methodologies , Software Quality Assurance , Impact of object orientation on Testing, Develop Test Cases and Test Plans
Lecture Notes
Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:Case study – the Next Gen POS system
Lecture Notes
Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:Unified Process , UML diagrams – Use Case
Question Bank
Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:June_2014, Nov_2007, Nov_2013, Nov_2014, Nov_2015
Lecture Notes
Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:Introduction to OOAD with OO Basics
Question Bank
Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:UNIFIED PROCESS AND USE CASE DIAGRAMS
Youtube Video
Dear Students the Youtube Video has been uploaded for the following topics:Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Resource Link
Dear Students the Resource Link has been uploaded for the following topics:Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Lecture Notes
Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:Introduction to OOAD with OO Basics
Youtube Video
Dear Students the Youtube Video has been uploaded for the following topics:Object oriented methodologies - IUNIT 5 Object oriented MethodologiesUNIT 5 Object oriented Methodologies - II
Question Bank
Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:IAE_1_Key, IAE_1_KEY, IAE_1_Key, IAE_!_KEY
Lecture Notes
Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:Dynamic Diagrams – UML interaction diagrams
Question Bank
Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:IAE_2_Question_Bank
Grades & Toppers of IAE1
Resource Link
Dear Students the Resource Link has been uploaded for the following topics:Various UML Diagrams
Youtube Video
Dear Students the Youtube Video has been uploaded for the following topics:UML Class diagram
Dear Students the Puzzles has been uploaded for the following topics:UNIFIED PROCESS AND USE CASE DIAGRAMS, STATIC UML DIAGRAMS STATIC UML DIAGRAMS Static UML Designs
Assignment topic is UML Diagram - Use case and due date is 15-02-2020.
Lecture Notes
Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:Class Diagram, Elaboration – Domain Model , Finding conceptual classes and description classes , Associations – Attributes , Finding conceptual class Hierarchies , Domain model refinement , Aggregation and Composition
Lecture Notes
Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:Inception -Use case Modelling , Relating Use cases , include, extend and generalization , When to use Use-cases
Lecture Notes
Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:Relationship between sequence diagrams and use cases , When to use Class Diagrams
Lecture Notes
Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:GRASP: Designing objects with responsibilities , Creator – Information expert, Low Coupling – High Cohesion , Controller, structural – Bridge – Adapter , behavioural – Strategy, observer –Applying GoF design patterns , Mapping design to code , Design Patterns – creational – factory method
Lecture Notes
Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:System sequence diagram – Collaboration diagram , When to use Communication Diagrams, State machine diagram and Modelling , When to use State Diagrams , Activity diagram – When to use activity diagrams , Implementation Diagrams - UML package diagram , When to use package diagrams, Component and Deployment Diagrams , When to use Component and Deployment diagrams