Subject Details
Dept     : B.Ed
Sem      : 1
Regul    : 2017
Faculty : Mrs G.Ramya
phone  : NIL
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Aims and objectives of Teaching English

Importance of English Language in India - Rationale for learning English – Four important aims of teaching English in schools - Objectives of teaching English as a second language - General principles of language teaching - Psychological principles of teaching English as a second language - Relationship between culture and language. (Suggested instructional approaches/ methods: i) Teacher talk / Invited talk on the place of English as second language in school curriculum. ii) Student seminar on the need, significance and values of teaching English as second language)

Planning for Instruction

Steps in planning a lesson: setting lesson goals - Designing unit plans -Designing a lesson plan - Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives - Formulating instructional objectives at cognitive, affective and psychomotor levels. Structure of a four-fold lesson plan - Preparation of a model lesson plan.

Practicing the Skills in Teaching English

Meaning of teaching – Understanding major teaching skills: Introducing - Explaining - Paraphrasing - Questioning - Varying the stimulus - Non-verbal cues - Reinforcement, Closure and Fluency in communication – Practicing a mini-lesson with multiple-teaching skills (for 20 minutes): Observation and feedback on integration of teaching skills - Understanding major steps in teaching a mini-lesson: Motivation, presentation, interaction, reflection and summing up – Practicing a mini-lesson (for 20 minutes): Observation and feedback on mini-teaching. (Note: Teacher -Educators should give a demonstration of a mini-lesson by integrating major teaching skills (for 20 minutes) and they should demonstrate a mini-lesson by integrating major teaching steps in teaching.) Teaching prose : Meaning of prose - Steps in teaching a prose lesson – Teaching vocabulary: Nature of words - Types of vocabulary: Active and passive - Expansion of vocabulary - Selection and grading of vocabulary - Strategies to develop vocabulary - Teaching poetry: Meaning of poetry - Aims of teaching poetry - Effects of teaching poetry - Steps in teaching poetry - Teaching grammar: Meaning of grammar - Traditional model of teaching grammar - Grammar-free teaching model - Communicative competence model - Strategies for learning grammar: Mechanical and communicative skills - Developing grammar activities - Teaching textbook grammar effectively - Inductive and Deductive methods of teaching grammar - Testing grammar – Teaching composition: Meaning of composition - Types of composition: controlled, guided and free composition. Teaching and Testing Language Skills Teaching listening skill: Meaning of listening skill - Types of listening - Goals of teaching listening -Sub-skills of listening – Three stages of listening – Listening material: Characteristics of the listening text – Listening activities: Dictation - Following a route - Listening to a telephone call - Listening to Commentaries - Listening to instructions - Jigsaw listening - Developing listening skill - Teaching listening skill - Testing listening. Teaching speaking skill: Purposes of teaching speaking - Developing speaking skill - Strategies for developing speaking skill - Techniques in teaching speaking: Conversation class - topic-based discussion class- Task-centred fluency practice – Tasks for developing speaking skill: individual, pair and group work– Improving oral fluency: parallel structure in a sentence – dialogues – role play- Dramatization - Play reading – Group discussion – Storytelling - Narration – Description – Communicative games: Debate – Interview – Extempore speech – Barriers to effective communication – Communicative output activity - Testing speaking. Teaching Reading Skill: Aims of teaching reading – Purposes for reading –Reading as a process - Types of reading: Reading aloud - Silent reading: skimming – scanning – Intensive reading – Extensive reading –Strategies for developing reading skill – Methods of teaching reading to beginners – Criteria for selection of an English reader – Reading for perception and comprehension - Developing reading activities/tasks - Testing reading. Teaching Writing Skill: Mechanics of writing – Sub-skills in writing – Importance of writing - Writing skills: mechanical skills - grammatical skills – judgment skills – Discourse skills – Characteristics of good hand-writing: distinctiveness, legibility, simplicity, uniformity, spacing, capitalization – punctuation - speed - Common problems in writing - Testing writing skills: Remedial teaching and correcting –Grammatical mistakes – disorder of written expression. (Suggested instructional approaches/methods: i) Prepare a report on the practising of a mini-lesson with multiple-teaching skills by observing peers. ii) Prepare two mini-lessons and practise them in front of peers in the class for Level I and Level II.)

Method of Teaching English

Methods: Grammar-Translation Method - Bilingual Method - Direct Method – The Audio-Lingual Method - Dr.West’s New Method - Other methods: Silent way –Total physical response - Dogme language teaching - Pinsleur language learning method - Michel Thomas method - Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) - Learning by teaching - Mixed-ability grouping. Approaches: The Structural-Situational approach - Communicative approach – Recent trends in communicative approach: Content-based instruction - Task-based instruction and text-based instruction - Eclectic approach in language teaching - Recent trends in teaching English subject: Learner-centred models of teaching. Resources in teaching English - Teacher-made aids: Flash cards, pictures, charts, models and blackboard sketches - Mechanical aids: Overhead projector, tape-recorder, Radio, Televion - Language Lab - PowerPoint presentation - Websites for teaching English - Multimedia - Internet for teaching English - Newspaper articles in language class - Mobiles to learn English - Films in learning English - English clubs - Qualities of a good language textbook - Professional competencies of a language teacher -Programmes for professional development of English teachers. (Suggested instructional approaches/methods i) Teacher talk / Expert talk on different methods of teaching English as a second language. ii) Preparation and presentation of a report on different methods of teaching English as a second language.)

Testing and Evaluation in English

The value of testing - Focus of testing - Different kinds of test: achievement tests - aptitude tests - proficiency tests - diagnostic tests -Types of test in English: objective tests - construction of objective-types questions - Error recognition- Written tests: short answer tests - paragraph tests - essay tests - Teacher-made achievement test: steps in planning and constructing a test - Constructing a table of specification for building a test - Marking scheme and scoring key - Item analysis. (Suggested instructional approaches/methods: i) Teacher talk / Expert talk on different kinds of test in testing and evaluation of English as a second language. ii) Preparation and presentation of a teacher-made Achievement Test in English.)

Reference Book:

1. Allen, Edward and Rebecca M. Valettee (1977). Classroom Techniques: Foreign Languages and English as a Second Language. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanich Inc. 2. Bright J A and McGregor G P (1970). Teaching English as a Second Language. Essex: E L B S and Longman. 3. Chastain, Kenneth (1976). Developing Second Language Skills: Theory to Practice. Chicago: Rand McNally Publishing Company. 4. Crystal, David (1987). The Cambridge University Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 5. Davis, Fiona and Rimmer, Wayne (2011). Active Grammar (Level 1, 2 & 3). Cambridge University Press.

Text Book:

Larsen-Freeman, Diane (1986). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Littlewood, William (1981). Communicative Language Teaching: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


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