Subject Details
Dept     : CHE
Sem      : 5
Regul    : 2021
Faculty : Dr.N.Gayathri
phone  : NIL
E-mail  : sanjeevigk@gmail
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Solid State-I

Amorphous and crystalline solids,Interfacial Angles, symmetry in crystals, Plane, Axis and Centre of symmetry, Elements of symmetry of a crystal, space lattice and unit cell, Bravais lattices, seven basic crystal systems, Designation of planes in crystals- Miller indices, close packing of identical solid spheres (CCP, FCC, HCP and BCC), radius ratio rule and shape of ionic crystal. Number of particles per unit cell and density of crystals

Solid State II

Defect structures of crystals – Stiochiometric and non Stiochiometric defects (Schottky defect, Frenkel defect, metal excess, metal deficiency defects, thermal defects). Metallic bonding- theories- electron gas theory, Valence bond theory, Molecular orbital theory (Band theory) –True metal or conductor, insulators, semi conductors- types of semi conductorsintrinsicand extrinsic, n and p- type. Alloys- substitutional and interstitial solid solutions, inter metallic compounds – Tammans rule, Hume – Rothery rule

Coordination Compounds -I

Introduction-Nomenclature-Type of ligands, Werner’s theory-Sedgwick theory EAN rule, isomerism in Coordination compounds –Structure, Hydrate, coordination, linkage, coordination position, geometrical and stereoisomerism. -Valence bond theory- Low spin and high spin complexes-magnetic properties- Short comings of valence bond theory.

Coordination Compounds - II

Crystal field theory – crystal field splitting of energy levels, Factors influencing the magnitude of crystal field splitting, Octahedral and square planer complexes-Color of coordination complexes. Ligand field theory, Molecular orbital theory of corrdination compounds, Crystal field effect, Crystal field effect on : Ionic radii, lattice energies, heat of ligation, geometry of complexes, Jahn-Teller effect. Metal carbonyls-bonding and structure of Ni(CO)4,Cr(CO)6,Fe2(CO)9 and Co2(CO)8-Application of Carbonyls

Radioactive Isotopes

Introduction-composition of nucleus and nuclear forces-Nuclear stability-Mass defect- Binding energy- Packing fraction, n/p ratio, Magic numbers. Nuclear reactions. Nuclear models- Liquid Drop/ Shell and Collective models. Q-value –threshold energy- Cross section. Modes of Radioactive Decay- Half-life period Isotopes - Nature, symbolic representation, structure, detection & isolation of isotopes - Various methods. Uses of isotopes in various fields. Artificial Radioactivity Artificial transmutation of new elements. Synthesis of Radioisotopes. Radioactive series - 4n+1, 4n+2, 4n+3. Nuclear reactors - Working Principle and Instrumentation. Atomic Power Projects in India. Safety measures, disposal of Reactor wastes – Radioactive pollution. Detection and Measurement of Radioactivity- Geiger-Muller Counter

Reference Book:

1. Lee, J.D. Concise Inorganic Chemistry ELBS, 1991. 2. Cotton, F.A., Wilkinson, G. &Gaus, P.L. Basic Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd ed., Wiley. 3. Douglas, B.E., McDaniel, D.H. & Alexander, J.J. Concepts and Models in Inorganic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons. 4. Huheey, J.E., Keiter, E.A., Keiter, R.L. &Medhi, O.K. Inorganic Chemistry: 5. Principles of Structure and Reactivity, Pearson Education India, 2006.

Text Book:

1. R.D. Madan Modern Inorganic Chemistry Chand Hogher Academic press, 2016 2. P.L.Soni, Mohan Katyal, Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry, Sultan Chand and sons, 2017 3. B.R.Puri, L.R. Sharma and Khalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Vishal Publishers, 2016


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