Subject Details
Dept     : CHE
Sem      : 5
Regul    : 2021
Faculty : Dr.G.Anita Hebsiba
phone  : NIL
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UV and Visible spectroscopy

Electromagnetic spectrum and absorption of radiations, Principle of ultraviolet spectroscopy, the absorption laws- Lambert’s law and Beer’s law. Selection rules, instrumentation – Block Diagram, theory of electronic spectroscopy, types of electronic transitions, the chromophoric concept, auxochromes, absorption and intensity shifts – bathochromic, hypsochromic hyperchromic and hypochromic shifts. Types of absorption bands, solvent effects, Frank – Condon principle. Woodward fisher rules for calculating absorption maximum in dienes.

Infrared spectroscopy

Priniciple of Infrared spectroscopy, molecular vibrations, vibrational frequency, number of fundamental vibrations, overtones and combination bands, selection rules, factors influencing vibrational frequency – coupled vibrations and Fermi resonance, electronic effects, hydrogen bonding and bond angles. Scanning of infrared spectrum (instrumentation), finger print region.

Raman spectroscopy

Introduction, Quantum theory of Raman effect, Theory of Raman spectra ) Stoke’s and antistoke’s lines), Instrumentation, Conditions for Raman spectroscopy, Characteristics Parameters of Raman lines, Raman spectra of diatomic molecules, Rotational – Vibrational Raman spectra, Vibrational Raman spectra of polyatomic molecules, Rules of Mutual exclusion principle, moment of interia of diatomic molecule and Raman spectroscopy, Infrared and Raman spectra are complimentary.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy (12) Introduction , conditions of resonance, Solvents used in NMR, relaxation process – spin –spin relaxation, spin – lattice relaxation and quadrupole relaxation. Number of signals, Instrumentation, positions of signals (chemical shift), shielding and deshielding effects, factors influencing chemical shift – inductive effect, vander-Waal’s deshielding, Anisotropy . Peak area and proton coupling, diamagnetic shielding in benzene, splitting of the signals in pure ethanol and chloroethane.

Mass spectrometry and application of spectroscopic method

Basic principles, theory of mass spectrometry, meta stable ions or peaks, nitrogen rule, general fragmentation modes of hydrocarbons, Retro – Diels Alder reaction, hydrogen transfer rearrangements and Mclafferty rearrangement. IR, NMR and Mass techniques in the identification of simple organic molecules. (Ethanol and dimethyl ether, acetaldehyde and acetone, ethylene and acetylene

Reference Book:

Elementary Organic Spectroscopy: Principles and Chemical Applications, S.Chand and company Ltd., Ram Nagar, New Delhi, 1990. 2. V.K. Srivastava and K.K. Srivastava, Introduction to Chromatography: Theory and Practice, S. Chand and company, New Delhi, 1987. 3. R.M. Roberts, J.C. Gilbert, L.B. Rodewald, and A.S. Wingrove, Modern Experimental Organic Chemistry, 4th edition, Holt Saunders international editions. 4. A.K. Srivastava and P.C. Jain, Chemical Analysis: An Instrumental Approach for B.Sc. Hons. and M.Sc. Classes, S. Chand and company Ltd., Ram Nagar, New Delhi.

Text Book:

1. D.A. Skoog, D.M. West and F.J. Holler, Analytical Chemistry: An Introduction, 5th edition, Saunders college publishing, Philadelphia, 1990. 2. U.N. Dash, Analytical Chemistry: Theory and Practice, Sultan Chand and sons Educational Publishers, New Delhi, 1995. 3. R.A. Day Jr. A.L. Underwood, Quantitative analysis, 5th edition, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd., New Delhi, 1988. 4. S. M. Khopkar, Basic concept of Analytical Chemistry, 2nd edition, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 1998. 5. R. Gopalan, Analytical chemistry, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi


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