Subject Details
Dept     : CSE
Sem      : 4
Regul    : R2019
Faculty : Vinodhini B
phone  : NIL
E-mail  :
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  • Resource Link

    Dear Students the Resource Link has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Design and Analysis of algorithms Book
    Design and Analysis of algorithms NPTEL

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Introduction, Notion of an Algorithm,
    Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem Solving,
    Important Problem Types,
    Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency,
    Asymptotic Notations and its properties

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Dynamic Programming: Computing a Binomial Coefficient,
    Warshall’s Algorithm- Floyd’s Algorithm,
    Optimal Binary Search Trees,
    Greedy Technique: Prim’s Algorithm,
    Huffman Trees

  • Puzzles

    Dear Students the Puzzles has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Introduction to Algorithm,
    Introduction to Algorithm,
    Algorithmic Techniques

  • Youtube Video

    Dear Students the Youtube Video has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Hamiltonian Circuit Problem, Subset Sum Problem,
    Branch and Bound: Assignment Problem,
    Knapsack Problem,
    Knuth Morris Pratt Algorithm- Analysis

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is Unit I&II and due date is .

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Brute Force: Selection Sort , Bubble Sort,
    Sequential Search and Closest Pair Problem,
    Traveling Salesman Problem,
    Knapsack Problem, Assignment Problem,
    Divide and Conquer Methodology: Merge Sort,
    Quick Sort ,
    Multiplication of Large Integers and Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication