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Dept     : B.Sc. Nursing
Year      : 1
Regul    : 2019
Faculty : snscnursing04
phone  : NIL
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Introduction to anatomical terms and organization of the human body The Respiratory system

Introduction to anatomical terms relative to position anterior ventral posterior dorsal superior inferior median lateral proximal distal superficial deep prone supine palmar and plantar Anatomical planes axial transverse horizontal sagittal vertical plane and coronal frontal oblique plane Movements flexion extension abduction adduction medial rotation lateral rotation inversion eversion supination pronation plantar flexion dorsal flexion and circumduction Cell structure Cell division Tissue definition types characteristics classification location Membrane glands classification and structure Identify major surface and bony landmarks in each body region Organization of human body Hyaline fibro cartilage elastic cartilage Features of skeletal smooth and cardiac muscle Application and implication in nursing Cell physiology including transportation across cell membrane Body fluid compartments Distribution of total body fluid intracellular and extracellular compartments major electrolytes and maintenance of homeostasis Cell cycle Tissue formation repair Membranes and glands functions Application and implication in nursing Structure of the organs of respiration Muscles of respiration Application and implication in nursing Functions of respiratory organs Physiology of respiration Pulmonary circulation functional features Pulmonary ventilation exchange of gases Carriage of oxygen and carbon dioxide Exchange of gases in tissue Regulation of respiration Hypoxia cyanosis dyspnea periodic breathing Respiratory changes during exercise Application and implication in nursing

The Digestive system The Circulatory and Lymphatic system

Structure of alimentary canal and accessory organs of digestion Application and implications in nursing Functions of the organs of digestive tract Saliva composition regulation of secretion and functions of saliva Composition and function of gastric juice mechanism and regulation of gastric secretion Composition of pancreatic juice function regulation of pancreatic secretion Functions of liver gall bladder and pancreas Composition of bile and function Secretion and function of small and large intestine Movements of alimentary tract Digestion in mouth stomach small intestine large intestine absorption of food Application and implications in nursing Structure of blood components, blood vessels Arterial and Venous system Position of heart relative to the associated structures Chambers of heart layers of heart Heart valves coronary arteries Nerve and blood supply to heart Lymphatic tissue Veins used for IV injections Application and implication in nursing Functions of heart conduction system cardiac cycle Stroke volume and cardiac output Blood pressure and Pulse Circulation principles factors influencing blood pressure pulse Coronary circulation Pulmonary and systemic circulation Heart rate regulation of heart rate Normal value and variations Cardiovascular homeostasis in exercise and posture Application and implication in nursing

Blood The Endocrine system

Blood Functions Physical characteristics Formation of blood cells Erythropoiesis Functions of RBC RBC life cycle WBC types functions Platelets Function and production of platelets Clotting mechanism of blood clotting time bleeding time PTT Hemostasis role of vasoconstriction platelet plug formation in hemostasis coagulation factors intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of coagulation Blood groups and types Functions of reticuloendothelial system immunity Application in nursing Structure of Hypothalamus Pineal Gland Pituitary gland Thyroid Parathyroid Thymus Pancreas and Adrenal glands Functions and hormones of Pineal Gland Pituitary gland Thyroid Parathyroid Thymus Pancreas and Adrenal glands Other hormones Alterations in disease Application and implication in nursing

The Sensory organs The Musculoskeletal system

Structure of skin eye ear nose and tongue Application and implications in nursing Functions of skin Vision hearing taste and smell Errors of refraction aging changes Application and implications in nursing Anatomical positions Bones types structure growth and ossification Axial and appendicular skeleton Joints classification major joints and structure Application and implications in nursing Bones Functions movements of bones of axial and appendicular skeleton Bone healing Joints and joint movements Alteration of joint disease Properties and Functions of skeletal muscle mechanism of muscle contraction Structure and properties of cardiac muscles and smooth muscles Application and implication in nursing Types and structure of muscles Muscle groups muscles of the head neck thorax abdomen pelvis upper limb and lower limbs Principal muscles deltoid biceps triceps respiratory abdominal pelvic floor pelvic floor muscles gluteal muscles and vastus lateralis Major muscles involved in nursing procedures

The Renal system The Reproductive system The Nervous system

Structure of kidney ureters bladder urethra Application and implication in nursing Functions of kidney in maintaining homeostasis GFR Functions of ureters bladder and urethra Micturition Regulation of renal function Application and implication in nursing Structure of male reproductive organs Structure of female reproductive organs Structure of breast Female reproductive system Menstrual cycle function and hormones of ovary oogenesis fertilization implantation Functions of breast Male reproductive system Spermatogenesis hormones and its functions semen Application and implication in providing nursing care Review Structure of neurons CNS ANS and PNS Central autonomic and peripheral Structure of brain spinal cord cranial nerves spinal nerves peripheral nerves functional areas of cerebral cortex Ventricular system formation circulation and drainage Application and implication in nursing Overview of nervous system Review of types structure and functions of neuron Nerve impulse Review functions of Brain Medulla Pons Cerebrum Cerebellum Sensory and Motor Nervous system Peripheral Nervous system Autonomic Nervous system Limbic system and higher mental Functions Hippocampus Thalamus Hypothalamus Vestibular apparatus Functions of cranial nerves Autonomic functions Physiology of Pain somatic visceral and referred Reflexes CSF formation composition circulation of CSF blood brain barrier and blood CSF barrier Application and implication in nursing

Reference Book:

Nachiket Dr Shankar Textbook and Workbook of Applied Anatomy and Applied Physiology for Nurses 2nd Edition AshalathaTextbook Of Anatomy and Physiology For Nurses With Free Practice Workbook Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers fourth edition

Text Book:

Nachiket Dr Shankar Textbook and Workbook of Applied Anatomy and Applied Physiology for Nurses 2nd Edition


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