Subject Details
Dept     : B.Sc. RIT
Sem      : 1
Regul    : 2018-2019
Faculty : Ms. Sineka M
phone  : 9626874880
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General Structures and Musculoskeletal System

The human body, anatomic terminology, planes of section-Structure and function of human cell with special reference to mitochondria and ribosomes. Elementary tissues of human body- Epithelial tissue, muscular tissue, connective tissues and nervous tissue. Classification of bones & joints, structure of skeleton – structure of skeletal muscle – physiology of muscle contraction, Structure and classification of joints, movements at the joints. Bones & Joints of upper extremity, Bones of thoracic cage, Clavicle and scapula, Joints of shoulder girdle, Bones of pelvis, Bones & Joints of lower extremity, Bones of skull and Fontanelles, Base of skull, Bones of face, Cervical spine and atlanto axial joints, Dorsal spine, Lumbo Sacral spine, Mandible and TM joints, Mastoids and PNS

Cardiovascular System

Anatomy of heart and functions- Structure and functions of various parts of the heart, arterial and venous system, brief account on common cardiovascular disorders. Blood pressure and its recording. Anatomy and function of arteries, capillaries and Arterial system, Venous system. Hematology-Composition of Blood - functions of blood elements –Blood Group and coagulation of blood, disorders of blood. Lymphatic system - Name and function of lymph glands, Lymphatics and Lymphatic pathway outline.

Respiratory System and Digestive System

Various parts of respiratory system and their functions, Anatomy of upper respiratory tract, Structure and functions of lungs, Anatomy of bronchial tree, Physiology of Respiration.names and various parts of digestive system-Buccal Cavity, Pharynx, Esophagus, Stomach, intestine etc.-physiology of digestion and absorption, Structure functions salivary glands. Enzymes, Structure and functions of pancreas, Anatomy of teeth, Pharynx, Oesophagus, functions of Stomach and duodenum, Small & Large intestine structure & functions.Anatomy and function of liver, LFT, Physiology of Jaundice. Anatomy of Portal circulation and portal hypertension. Gall bladder, structure and function, Physiology of digestion and food components.

Urinary System and Reproductive System

Urinary System - various parts of urinary system and its function-structure and function of kidneys- Anatomy of ureters, bladder and urethra -physiology of urine formation, its constituents- pathophysiology of renal disease and edema. Reproductive System - Physiology and anatomy of Male & Female reproductive system-Prostate & Uterus & Ovaries etc. The Mammary glands – anatomy & physiology and & its importance in imaging.

Eye & ENT, Nervous System, Endocrine System

Eye & ENT - Anatomy of eye, Orbits including orbital fissure and optic foramina. Nose, Throat- Elementary knowledge on functions of taste, smell. Nervous System - various parts of nervous system- Brain and its parts Divisions of brain and its functions–functions of nervous system - Spinal Cord & Nerves, Cranial nerves, Anatomy of nerves, sensory pathway Spinal cord and spinal nerves. The méninges and ventricles of brain and the CSF. Endocrine System - Endocrine glands, their hormones and functions, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Suprarenal, Pituitary, pituitary and Thymus).

Reference Book:

Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness

Text Book:

Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology


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