Subject Details
Dept     : MCA
Sem      : 1
Regul    : 2024-2026
Faculty : Dr. S. Sujiya
phone  : 9363685024
E-mail  :
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  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Overview of AI application areas.,
    AI as Representation and search:,
    The predicate calculus,
    The propositional calculus,
    Predicate Calculus-Application,
    AI as Empirical Enquiry: Introduction,
    -The Science of Intelligent System,
    -AI current challenges & future directions.

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Planning: The Planning Problem,
    Planning with state space search,
    Partial order planning,
    Analysis of Planning approaches,
    Planning and Acting in real world: Time, Schedules and Resources,
    Conditional Planning-Execution, Monitoring and replanning,
    Continuous planning,
    planning graphs ,
    Uncertainty: Acting under uncertainty,
    Basic probability Notion-Bayes’s Rule and its use.,
    Reinforcement Learning: Introduction,
    Passive Reinforcement Learning-Active Reinforcement Learning,
    Generalization Reinforcement Learning,
    Policy Search

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    AI History and Applications,
    From Eden to ENIAC-Historical foundation,
    Development of Logic- Turing Test.,
    AI Challenge,
    Knowledge representation,
    Issues in representation,
    Conceptual graphs,
    Alternative representations and ontologies.,
    AI History and Applications,
    Machine Learning,
    Symbol based: Introduction,
    Framework for Symbol based learning,
    Knowledge and learning-,
    Reinforcement Learning,
    Machine Learning-Connectionist,
    Foundation for Connectionist Networks,
    Perception Learning,
    Competitive Learning.