Semester 4 Semester 6 Semester 5 Semester 3
Department of GCD handled by Saranya.S .
Department of GCD handled by Ms.P.Malathi .
Department of GCD handled by Ms.P.Malathi .
Department of GCD handled by Ms.P.Malathi .
Department of GCD handled by Saranya.S .
Department of GCD handled by Dr.P.Shivaranjani .
Department of GCD handled by Ms.K.Sangeetha .
Department of GCD handled by Dr.P.Shivaranjani .
Department of GCD handled by Ms.P.Malathi .
Department of GCD handled by Dr.P.Arunadevi .
Department of GCD handled by Dr.P.Shivaranjani .
Department of GCD handled by Saranya.S .
Department of GCD handled by Ms.K.SANGEETHA .
Department of GCD handled by Ms.K.SANGEETHA .
Department of GCD handled by Ms.V.Yogappriya .
Department of GCD handled by Ms.P.Malathi .
Department of GCD handled by Saranya.S .