Subject Details
Dept     : CIVIL
Sem      : 5
Regul    : R2019
Faculty : Dr. O.R Kavitha
phone  : NIL
E-mail  :
Page views


  • Youtube Video

    Dear Students the Youtube Video has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Stress-Strain Curve for Concrete and Steel
    Concrete strong in concrete
    Types of Beams in 3D
    Singly v_s Doubly Reinforced Beams _ What are singly & doubly reinforced beams_ _ Civil Tutor

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Stress strain curve for concrete – Standard concrete mixes for RCC works – types of Reinforcements – plain and deformed bars,
    Type of Loads on Structures and Load combinations- Code of practices and Specifications-Design philosophy,
    Basic design concepts – working stress, ultimate load and limit state methods .Advantages of Limit State Method over other methods.,
    Characteristic load and strength–permissible stresses – partial safety factors ,
    Limit state of collapse– limit state of Serviceability – Durability limit state – deflection and cracking – modification factors.,
    Introduction to beams,
    Design of singly reinforced rectangular beams,
    Design of doubly reinforced rectangular beams

  • Question Bank

    Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Question bank,
    Question bank

  • Question Bank

    Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Behaviour of one way and two way slabs ,
    Types of Staircases–Design of dog-legged Staircase,
    Types of columns

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is Design a singly reinforcement concrete beam and due date is .

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is DESIGN OF BEAMS and due date is .

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is Design a singly and doubly reinforced beam reinforcement and due date is .