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  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Product cycle- Design process- sequential and concurrent engineering

  • Youtube Video

    Dear Students the Youtube Video has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Product Life Cycle (PLC)
    Introduction to concurrent engineering
    CAD system architecture
    Compute Graphics: 3D Transformations
    Computer Graphics: 3D Viewing

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Product cycle- Design process- sequential and concurrent engineering,
    Product cycle- Design process- sequential and concurrent engineering,
    2D and 3D transformations- homogeneous coordinates ,
    Computer graphics – co-ordinate systems,
    Data exchange standards,
    rational curves-Techniques for surface modeling,
    Line drawing -Clipping- viewing transformation-,
    Solid modeling techniques,
    Graphical Kernel System (GKS)

  • Question Bank

    Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:
    IAE Important Question Bank

  • Assignment

    Assignment topic is Assignment 1 and due date is .

  • Resource Link

    Dear Students the Resource Link has been uploaded for the following topics:
    What is CAD/CAM
    Hermit Curves
    B spline curve
    Surface Modelling
    Constructive Solid Modeling VS Boundary Representation
    CAD/CAM data exchange

  • Youtube Video

    Dear Students the Youtube Video has been uploaded for the following topics:
    The Product Life Cycle
    3D Transformations
    Homogeneous Coordinates
    2D viewing transformation
    IGES & DXF File Format
    CNC Machine Principle

  • Question Bank

    Dear Students the Question Bank has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Product cycle- Design process- sequential and concurrent engineering,
    Product cycle- Design process- sequential and concurrent engineering

  • Puzzles

    Dear Students the Puzzles has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Product cycle- Design process- sequential and concurrent engineering,
    Product cycle- Design process- sequential and concurrent engineering,
    Representation of curves- Hermite curve,
    Open Graphics Library (OpenGL)

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Representation of curves- Hermite curve,
    Bezier curve- B-spline curves,
    rational curves-Techniques for surface modeling,
    surface patch,
    Coons and bicubic patches,
    Bezier and B-spline surfaces,
    Solid modeling techniques,

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    FMS Planning and Control,
    Quantitative analysis in FMS ,
    FMS Application & Benefits,
    FMS – FMS Components,
    Composite part concept–Types of Flexibility,
    Cellular Manufacturing,
    Production flow Analysis,
    Parts Classification and coding–Simple Problems in Opitz Part Coding system,
    roup Technology(GT),Part Families,
    Standards for computer graphics,
    Graphical Kernel System (GKS),
    standards for exchange images,
    Open Graphics Library (OpenGL),
    Data exchange standards,

  • Lecture Notes

    Dear Students the Lecture Notes has been uploaded for the following topics:
    Introduction to NC systems and CNC ,
    Machine axis and Co-ordinate system,
    CNC machine tools- Principle of operation CNC,
    Construction features including structure,
    Drives and CNC controllers- 2D and 3D machining on CNC,
    Introduction of Part Programming, types ,
    Manual part programming on Lathe & Milling machines using G codes and M codes,
    Introduction of CAM package.